Photo: Dragon Claws / iStock / Getty Images
Long weekends ALWAYS have us thinkin', "How can we do this more often?" Four-day work weeks may be a pipe dream, but that won't stop us from dreaming of pipes!
A recent poll asked people if they were to switch to a FOUR-day work week, which extra day would they like to have off? And not surprisingly, most people wanted a three-day weekend.
47% of people said they'd like to have Friday off, and 27% want Monday off. Some of those people were probably hoping to kill the Monday vibe. But Tuesdays would just become the new Mondays, and maybe worse.
21% would pick Wednesdays to give themselves a break in the middle, which is actually kind of smart. And 2% would pick Thursdays. Which would definitely nix ANY work getting done on Fridays.
The LEAST popular option was Tuesdays, which less than 1% of people chose. That creates a MAJOR problem, essentially making TWO "Mondays."
Someone in the poll asked why ANYONE would want Tuesdays off, and someone else had a perfect response: Tacos.
What do you think?