Hailey Whitters Found a Bat Hanging Out in Her Toilet

Audacy's Stars and Strings 2023

Photo: Jason Koerner / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images

What do you do here? Call animal control, handle it yourself, or just burn the place to the ground?

Hailey Whitters woke up the other day to find a BAT hanging out in her TOILET. It's not clear if she spotted it before or after she went to use the toilet.

She posted a video where she and a friend open the lid, and you can see the bat hanging out in there.

She wrote in the caption that she "was able to get in for a quick rabies shot before leaving for tour" the next day.

She's out with Dan + Shay right now before joining up with Luke Combs in mid-April.

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Win tickets to Rock the Fox with Maddie & Tae

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