Photo: Kevin Winter / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images
Well, this kid's a fan for life: Last week, an eighth-grader in West Virginia named Gage Jude won his middle school talent show with a cover of "Save Me" by Jelly Roll. He sang AND played guitar.
His mom posted the video on TikTok last Tuesday. And how cool is this? Jelly immediately jumped all over it.
He posted it to his Instagram story, and also commented on TikTok. He called it "incredible," and talked about how cool it was when all the other kids in the gym started singing along.
The follow-up video is equally good though: The morning after the talent show, Gage still didn't know Jelly shared it. He only found out when the school announced it over the P.A. SYSTEM.
They said it already had 180,000 views, over 100,000 likes, and encouraged everyone to ask for Gage's AUTOGRAPH when they passed him in the hall.