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Walker Hayes and his family have had their share of fun vacations. Especially since "Fancy Like" broke out big. But the best trip they ever had was last month in Rwanda, where they worked their butts off.
Walker, his wife Laney, and their six kids were invited by HOPE International, a faith-based nonprofit that has assisted people in 20 underserved countries. Each day they worked alongside locals "pitching in with their own muscle and sweat".
Walker said, quote, "They took us to the fields. We picked coffee beans, peeled them, and stood in a circle pounding them in a bowl. It took your whole body to grind them, and then we roasted them. We did the entire process in a day."
They also hauled water from a distant well to homes that had no plumbing or electricity. It was hard work, and it was life changing. Quote, "They don't have the basic things that we have, yet their contentment is overwhelming."
He added, quote, "The trip was an answered prayer. Every day for that entire trip was the best day of my life."