What's "Rage Applying"? Plus Seven More Trendy Work Terms in 2023

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Have you heard this new work term that's been buzzing on TikTok? "Rage applying" is when you're so fed up with your job, you go home and apply to a ton of other jobs that seem better.

Here are a few more work terms that have been trending lately:

1. Copycat Layoffs. The idea that layoffs are contagious. When one corporation starts canning people, other companies decide they should too.

2. Resenteeism. When you stay in a bad job because you don't think you have any other options. So you start to resent it more and more.

3. Bare Minimum Monday. It's like "quiet quitting," but just for the start of the week. You skate by and let yourself ease into it slowly.

4. Chaotic Working. It's also called "malicious compliance." It's when you break rules at work to help out a friend. For example, by giving them an employee discount, or up-sizing their food order for free.

5. Shift Shock. It's when you're excited about a new job. But after a few shifts, you realize you HATE it. It's also called "new-hires' remorse."

6. Boomerang Employees. It's when you go back to an old job, because your new one didn't work out.

7. Career Cushioning. It's when you don't necessarily hate your job. But you start looking for other jobs in case layoffs are coming.

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