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If you haven't bought anything for your significant other yet, here's the ultimate gamble: Can you get away with getting them, NOTHING?
In a new Valentine's Day poll, 26% of Americans say they aren't expecting their significant other to spend ANYTHING on them this year.
35% said they expect their Valentine to spend under $50, 30% said it will probably be between $50 and $100, and only 9% said they're expecting it to be more than $100. A recent survey found the average person was planning to spend about $130 this Valentine's Day.
It sounds like this is specifically about GIFTS, not a romantic dinner at a restaurant, which can easily get to $100. And they did bring up the economy, so maybe the responses were more realistic than in an ideal world.
About 20% of people said that buying a Valentine's Day gift is worth going into credit card debt for, and men were FAR more likely to agree with that.