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Sometimes the "advice" stuff we see online is helpful, and sometimes not. Put this squarely in the "NOT" category, "Reader's Digest" did a big write-up on things you can and CAN'T take from hotel rooms.
For example, you're fine taking the soaps, shampoos, and pens. The things you can't walk off with are all fairly obvious. But they DO still get stolen though. So maybe we're naïve and people actually think they can take this stuff?
1. The sheets off the bed. They'll charge you for them. And you can't take the pillows and towels either.
2. Electronics. Like alarm clocks, universal remotes, and complimentary phone chargers. Really nice places sometimes have iPads you can use . . . but believe it or not, you can't take those either.
3. Wooden hangers from the closet. They aren't complimentary. But they're stolen enough that some places use anti-theft hangers now.
4. The bathrobes. But some hotels have those flimsy, one-time-use slippers, which you CAN take.