Photo: Getty Images
A new survey asked people what "accomplishments" they have planned for the rest of 2022. For some of us, just cleaning out the garage would be pretty major, but others have their sights set on something bigger.
For starters, 44% of people plan to take a vacation somewhere in the U.S. this year. And 39% say they're planning something international.
Other popular activities include: Attending a concert or festival, hitting up a sporting event, and attending a wedding, which I suppose is an "accomplishment" in the age of Covid.
62% of people are hoping to achieve more "life goals" this year than ever before. For example, 38% of people plan to buy a car, 35% are planning to buy a new home, and 31% are planning to move.
Other popular goals include: Getting married, moving in with their significant other, getting pregnant and / or having a child, and getting engaged.
One other interesting fact: 35% of people say they plan to attend a "sequel wedding," which is what we're apparently calling a second, larger celebration, planned by a couple who had a small pandemic wedding.