Photo: Getty Images
A poll for National Garlic Day found only 3% of Americans hate it. 45% either like it, or at least don't mind it, and 52% agree with the statement, "There's no such thing as too much garlic."
According to the survey, here are our favorite garlicky foods . . .
1. Garlic bread, with 31% of the vote.
2. Garlic chicken, 16%.
3. Garlicky pasta, 14%.
4. Garlic shrimp, 13%.
5. Garlic butter, also 13%.
Garlic fries are next, followed by roasted garlic, garlic hummus, and 2% said their favorite way to eat garlic is raw.
The poll also found 24% of Americans think garlic makes everything taste better, 14% use it on pretty much everything they cook, and 12% say garlic breath doesn't bother them.