Remember as a kid, how you could bounce off stuff like a crash dummy and be fine? But now you can hurt yourself just getting out of bed?
A new study found the average child suffers 104 minor injuries a year, things like bruises and skinned knees. That's two injuries a week.
Kids between three and five suffer the most injuries. The most common cause is tripping while running. And the most common remedy we offer them is, a hug. Here are the ten most common injuries kids suffer...
1. Skinned knees.
2. Bruised knees.
3. A bump to the head.
4. A cut on their finger.
5. A skinned-up arm or elbow.
6. Bruised arms.
7. A cut on their lip.
8. Minor scrapes and scratches.
9. Bee stings.
10. Sprained ankles.