Photo: Getty Images
There are probably more important things happening in the world, but if you're someone who's passionate about bread, Buzzfeed just conducted a major poll on it, and tens of thousands of people weighed in.
And yes, this is bread the FOOD, not "bread" the slang for money.
1. What kind of bread is the best? Sourdough is #1 with 38%, getting more than 30,000 votes. White bread is second at 33%. Wheat bread (16%) is next, followed by Cinnamon Raisin (6%), Rye (5%), and Pumpernickel (2%).
2. When you're at a restaurant, do you fill up on bread? 60% said YES, while 40% said NO, they mostly hold off to save room for the actual meal.
3. Are you into toast? A whopping 93% said yes, while just 7% said no.
4. Are you into putting butter on your bread? 87% said yes, 13% said no.
5. Do you like bread crust? 74% said yes. 26% said no. If you polled ONLY five-year-olds, it would probably be more like, 0% yes, 100% no.
One good question the poll DIDN'T ask: Even if you don't have a gluten sensitivity, can you deal with gluten-free breads, yes or no?