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Have the things that annoy us about the office changed in the last two years? Because I don't think all of these would have made the top ten pre-pandemic.
A new survey asked people to name the most annoying things that happen at the office. Here's what people said:
1. Coworkers talking too loudly while you're trying to work.
2. People who cough or sneeze without covering their mouth.
3. Coworkers who come into work even though they're sick.
4. Slow computers.
5. I.T. issues.
6. Smelly bathrooms.
7. People who leave dirty dishes in the work sink.
8. When you're in the bathroom and realize someone didn't wash their hands.
9. Gross toilet seats, or toilet bowls.
10. When your computer keeps crashing.
A few more that made the top 20 include: Close-talkers, printer issues, brown-nosers, smelly lunches, and people who call in sick when you know they're NOT really sick.