Most Overused Work Phrases Includes "Keep Me in the Loop"

Meeting Between Three Team Leaders In Office

Photo: Getty Images

No matter where you work, there are probably people who repeatedly use the same words and phrases.

A new poll by Slack found that 63% of people said it was off-putting when coworkers used office jargon, but 89% admit that THEY use those same words themselves, to fit in and "sound more professional."

The people in the poll said the most overused workplace phrases are: ASAP, keep me in the loop, just checking in, team player, give 110%, sorry for the delay, new normal, no worries, and touch base.

Think outside the box, loop me in, back to square one, circle back, and the classic, "There's no 'I' in TEAM."

As for the style of work communications, 38% of people say they use emojis, 36% use abbreviations, 33% use slang, 31% admit they use GIFs, and 24% use ALL CAPS to show excitement.

Unfortunately, they didn't find what percentage use exclamation points as their default punctuation. Maybe they can circle back and get that to us ASAP. That would really be giving 110%, so just touch base and loop us in if that's possible.

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