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Have you ever made a financial decision based on your HOROSCOPE? One in five Americans say yes. And it appears to be a somewhat new trend...
Less than 4% of Baby Boomers said they've made money decisions based on astrology, compared to THIRTY percent of Millennials. Gen Zers weren't far behind at 24%, and Gen Xers at 18%.
Women were much more likely to say they follow astrology in general, 78% compared to 48% of men.
The top financial decisions we make based on our horoscope are: Deciding to save money, splurging on something we want, buying and selling stocks, changing jobs, and negotiating our salary.
19% of those who've based money decisions on astrology said they've even taken on debt for something they thought would pay off.
People were also asked which Zodiac signs are the best and worst with money. Capricorns were rated as being the best with money overall, and Geminis ranked last. But ACTUAL stats showed the opposite might be true.
Analysts went through 90,000 credit reports to find the average credit score for each sign. Capricorns had the second-LOWEST score, and Geminis had the second-HIGHEST. Tauruses ranked first overall, and Sagittarius ranked last.