Photo: Getty Images
This is a more serious question for some people than others. Like if you're a surgeon, I hope the answer is no: Have you ever fallen asleep at WORK?
Around one in four people have, according to a new poll. And over half of them say it's happened more than once. (YouGov did the poll after President Biden appeared to nod off for 20 seconds at the climate change conference in Scotland this week.)
You'd expect older people to be more likely to say it's happened to them, just because they've spent more years in the work force. But people between 25 and 50 were the most likely to say yes...28%, compared to 17% of people over 65.
A separate study just came out that looked at how tired workers are in all 50 states. And according to the results, the most sleep-deprived workers are in HAWAII.
The ten states where workers are most likely to be underslept are: Hawaii, Kentucky, Georgia, Alabama, Maryland, New York, Indiana, South Carolina, Michigan, and Delaware.
The LEAST sleep-deprived states are all fairly rural: South Dakota, Colorado, Minnesota, Montana, and Nebraska.
Arizona came in at a respectable #31!