Photo: Getty Images
Remember at the start of the pandemic when everyone discovered cooking and LOVED it? Yeah, that's officially over...
35% of Americans say the pandemic has, quote, "exhausted their love for cooking." And just under 40% say their patience in the kitchen is at an all-time low.
The fact that life is starting to get more hectic again has a lot to do with it. Almost half of people said they're too busy to cook now, and being in the kitchen is the LAST thing they want to do. Here are five more quick stats on America's cooking habits...
1. 77% of us feel confident in our cooking skills. But ideally, we want to spend less than 25 minutes on a meal. A lot of people said it usually takes more like an hour.
2. 69% of people said they'd enjoy cooking more if there was less clean-up afterward.
3. Another reason we're sick of cooking is we tend to make the same meals a lot. 51% said it feels like they just make the same recipes over and over again. And 26% get frustrated deciding on what to make.
4. 41% say that just thinking about their next meal feels draining.
5. And finally, what would we do with all that free time if we didn't have to cook so much? The #1 answer was . . . watch more TV.