Pizza is a classic "sober me up" drunk food, but now you can use it to get even drunker . . .
  Pizza-flavored BEER arrives next month. New Belgium partnered with the frozen pizza brand Tombstone for it.
  It's an IPA that's 7% alcohol. They're selling it under their IPA brand Voodoo Ranger. It's described as having hints of "crispy crust, tangy tomato sauce, and savory herbs and spices" with a pepperoni finish.
 You can sign up to win some at They'll start selling it in select markets on April 7th for National Beer Day. Each four-pack will cost $50.  (!!!)  (Here's a photo.)
 In other pizza news: Chick-fil-A is dipping its toe in. They opened a spin-off restaurant in Maryland last fall called Little Blue Menu, where they test new menu items.  (The name is a nod to the original blue menus at their first location.)
 They just added five pizzas, including a "Chick-fil-A Pizza Pie" topped with their chicken nuggets . . . pickles . . . and Chick-fil-A sauce. Â
Source: (Foodbeast / EatThis)