A travel company has released a list of the "weirdest items left in hotel rooms" last year . . . and there's some fun stuff on it. Here's the Top 10:
1. Dentures
2. Witchcraft paraphernalia
3. Prosthetic limbs
4. A glass eye
5. Grandma's "lucky" tea cup. (It's unclear if the "lucky" thing was written on the cup . . . or if that's a reference or euphemism that I don't understand.)
6. Thousands of German marks, which was the official currency of West Germany and the unified Germany until the adoption of the euro in 2002. Even crazier: They were stashed behind a toilet water tank.
7. A clown costume . . . a full costume including shoes, wig, and a red nose.
8. An inflatable boat
9. Caviar
10. Rosary beads.
As you might imagine, more COMMON things that are left behind include: Clothing, wallets, keys, wedding rings, and photographs.