If you're asking for new pants for the holidays, maybe go one size up: The average American expects to gain five-and-a-half pounds between now and January 1st. So about a pound a week . . . and many of us are FINE with it.
42% admit they use the holidays as an excuse to eat whatever they want. And most people start right about now. 60% said they stop worrying about it by mid-November. Here are five ways we go overboard around the holidays . . .
1. Eating more than one dessert after a meal. 41% of us will do it.
2. Eating the same meal more than once a day. Like Thanksgiving leftovers for lunch AND dinner. 35% said yes.
3. Eating more than three meals in a day, 35%.
4. Bigger late-night snacks, 26%.
5. Eating so much we feel sick, 17%.
It also found diets and exercise will be two of the top New Year's resolutions again. But 24% of us are still carrying around extra weight from the holidays LAST year. So it might just be pie-in-the-sky.