Luke Bryan's Two Sons Have Googled His Net Worth

Photo: Jason Kempin / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images

Luke Bryan's two sons are at that age where they have questions. And those questions are about how fat dad's WALLET is. And because he's famous, the answer is often one computer click away.

He talked about it in an interview with "People". Quote, "They totally understand it now when they start Googling Dad's accomplishments and reading all the chatter about what the net worth of all this is."

The boys know their dad's money and fame can easily get them VIP treatment at amusement parks, or wherever, but he stops short of that. Quote, "We send them on trips that they have to wait in line, it's just balancing."

Fame and fortune is nice, but in the end, nothing beats family.

He adds, quote, "When I get home they don't care if I've sold out ten shows or whatever, they just want to go hang with dad and do father and son stuff." (Bo is 15, and Tate is 13.)

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