Young Brett Eldredge Would Blast Christmas Music at 7:00 A.M.

Photo: Getty Images

It's okay with me that Brett Eldredge is nuts about Christmas. I get to listen to his Christmas albums, and someday I'll hit up one of his "Glow Live" tours. But I can say that because I didn't grow up in the same house.

In a recent interview he talked about how his Christmas obsession must've annoyed those around him.

Quote, "I grew up being the kid that would crank up Christmas music at 7:00 a.m. when everybody else is asleep, waking everybody up with Bing Crosby and Nat King Cole. [I'd be] like, 'It's time to do this thing.'"

And for Brett, that "thing" comes very early in the season. Quote, "I would be the guy that would listen really early, decorate the tree with the family, all the classic Christmas things.

"I loved every part of it. Where some of my friends gave me crap or made fun of me for it, I was like, "I'm all Christmas."

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