Butterball Just Released Its Thanksgiving Predictions...in August

Photo: Getty Images

If you felt like Pumpkin Spice Lattes arriving in August was too soon, then this is WAY too soon...

Butterball just released a bunch of predictions for Thanksgiving, which is almost three months away. Maybe because Labor Day is the unofficial start of fall? Here are a few quick highlights...

1. 90% of Americans plan to celebrate Thanksgiving this year. It's been lower than that the past two years because of the pandemic.

2. 85% will serve turkey. No data yet on which sides we're serving.

3. Expect slightly more first-time hosts this November, up 4% from last year. So a lot of young people will be hosting.

4. Most people say inflation IS a concern, but it won't prevent them from celebrating. 24% might cook more from scratch though. 8% might invite fewer people. And 15% might go with more of a potluck Thanksgiving.

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