43% of People Say the Pandemic Made Them More Sensitive to Loud Music

Photo: Getty Images

Well, the pandemic officially made us all old and lame. Because we're now much more likely to tell our kids to "turn down that RACKET" . . .

A new poll found 43% of adults are more sensitive to LOUD MUSIC than they were two years ago. Mainly because we spent so much time inside, away from all the noise.

42% say they're also more sensitive to loud conversations and cross-talk than they used to be. So if loud restaurants bother you now, you're not alone.

Here are a few more quick stats...

1. Loud music ISN'T the most annoying sound from family members and roommates. Loud phone conversations and loud chewing tied for first. 30% of people say they've become hypersensitive to at least one specific sound they hear a lot.

2. 60% of us would wear earplugs more often, but worry we'd be judged for it.

3. The five most annoying sounds we deal with away from home are: Traffic, loud music, construction, crying babies, and other people coughing or sneezing. 23% also find the sound of birds and other wildlife annoying.

4. The most annoying sounds at home are: Noisy neighbors, family members' electronics, "house sounds," like a leaky faucet, loud kitchen appliances, like blenders, and loud conversations.

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