An All-Out Brawl Broke Out at a Golden Corral...Over Steak

Photo: Getty Images

If you want a dinner theater, you wouldn't consider Golden Corral. But maybe you'd be missing out, because a Golden Corral in Pennsylvania turned into a WWE Main Event this past Friday afternoon.

It happened at the Golden Corral location in Bensalem, which is just outside of Philadelphia. An all-out brawl broke out, apparently over STEAK.

One of the brawlers says it started because he got his steak before someone who was there first, but he says that was probably because he ordered his rare, which obviously takes less time to cook.

In any event, DOZENS of people were involved in the fight. People were throwing high chairs, regular chairs, glasses, tables, anything they could get their hands on. Punches were being thrown, and people were screaming.

Fortunately, it doesn't sound like anyone was seriously hurt, although there was talk of people bleeding and getting banged up. The police are investigating, but they haven't made any arrests yet.

A former employee on Twitter joked, "Trust me. That steak is good. Not sure if it's 'two-years-probation-for-aggravated-assault-with-a-kids-high-chair' good." Watch a video on the fight HERE!

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