We Fine Having the Same Breakfast Every Day, But We Hate Repeating Dinners?

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Everyone has probably heard someone pass on leftovers or a particular meal because they "don't want to have the same thing two nights in a row." But yet, they're okay having the same breakfast every day. Why is that?

In a new study, 68% of people ate the same breakfast foods at least twice in the same week . . . but they only repeated the same meal for dinner 9% of the time.

Researchers say it's due to a combination of biological and psychological factors. For one, humans are "most energized in the morning," so we may make less exciting meal choices in the A.M. hours so we don't feel totally overstimulated.

As for the psychological aspect, doctors say that we tend to have one of two goals for our meals: eating something that's healthy and convenient, or eating something that brings us pleasure.

During a busy work week, we tend to go for health and convenience at breakfast. But we're more likely to want something pleasurable for lunch and dinner.

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