39% of American Adults Say They Work Out Zero Times Per Week

Photo: Getty Images

It's been more than 18 months since the pandemic started, and some people are STILL using it as an excuse not to work out. That, or they're just not interested in exercise.

In a new survey, 39% of American adults say that they work out ZERO times per week. And working out was defined as "going to the gym, biking, jogging, or ANY moderate to intense physical activity" for at least 20 minutes.

The survey was conducted last month, but it wasn't specifically about COVID-19, or changes in behavior...it just asked if people are currently exercising.

23% of people said they work out "one to two times" per week...20% said "three to four times" a week...11% said "five to six times"...and just 8% said they work out every day.

The states with the least active residents are: Mississippi, Tennessee, Indiana, Illinois, and Kansas...and the ones with the most active people are: Minnesota, California, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Colorado.

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