Moms Have Been Voted the Best Gift-Givers...Nephews Are the Worst

Unwanted Christmas Gift

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If you could only get one gift from one person this year, who would you want it to be?

2,000 Americans voted to see who the best gift-givers are, and one person got way more votes than anyone else, MOMS give the best gifts in general.

Moms were voted #1 with 18% of the vote, followed by your significant other, 12%...sisters, 10%...brothers, 8%...and dads with 7%.

The rest of the top ten are grandmothers, daughters, friends, grandfathers, and a tie between aunts, uncles, and sons.

So who gives the WORST gifts? Nephews, family friends, and roommates all tied for last place.

The poll also looked at the top reactions we want to see when someone opens a present we gave them. And a SURPRISED look ranked first.

A sentimental "awwww" sound ranked secondm, laughter is third, and 12% of us are hoping to make someone CRY with a gift this year.

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